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The 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Saskatchewan Agricultural Hall of Fame, November 12, 2022, was most successful.
Past and present inductees were recognized by the Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan’s Minister of
Agriculture, members of the Saskatchewan Agricultural Hall of Fame, family, friends, colleagues and representatives of event partners.
The Royal Canadian Pipes and Drums topped off the celebration with Piper Brad Fenty leading His Honour to kick off the evening, followed by dinner; and the Band bringing in past and present inductees for introduction and welcome. All inductees were recognized with Saskatchewan Agricultural Hall of Fame pins. Margaret Crowle, Jeff Schoenau, Jim Bessel, Mark Silzer, Les Hill and Jack Dawes, (2022 Inductees), were also presented with their plaques.
The Event was organized by the 50th Anniversary ad hoc committee of Linda Braun, Blair Cummins, Bryan Harvey, Judy Harwood, Reed Andrew, and Beth Herzog.
Event Partners included: Global Institute for Food Security, CN Rail, Municipal Hail Insurance, The Western Producer, Farm Credit Canada, Agribiz Communications Corp., Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association, Prairieland Park; Black Fox Farm & Distillery, Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists, Saskatchewan Seed Growers, Saskatchewan Pulse Growers, Saskatchewan Bison Association, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, CKRM and CJWW. Friends included Sask Pork; Farm and Food Care Saskatchewan; Sask Canola; Sask Oats Development Commission, Sask Wheat Development Commission, Sask Flax, Saskatchewan Sheep Development Board and Sask Milk.
“Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, working together is success” (H Ford).
Linda Braun, Chair 50th Anniversary Committee